HR Analytics Course : Expert


Broad Content
The Digital HR & HR Analytics EXPERT Course will encompass the following modules:
·     Digital HR & Transformation
·     Introduction to HR Analytics
·     HR Analytics – Descriptive, Predictive & Prescriptive
·     Future of Work & Change Management
·     Module based Assignments & Projects
·     HR Analytics Skill-building with mastery over ONE TOOL – CRUX/TABLEAU/R
Learning Outcomes
·     Master Advanced HR Analytics & Data Science Techniques to generate data based HR decisions
·     Lead Digital Transformation initiatives including digital HR adoption and best practices
·     Visualize & monitor HR operational metrics, talent frameworks & organizational health through data and analytics
·     Learn how to apply strategic frameworks on how to manage people & resources in a post- covid world
·     Build expertise in Digital HR Tools & applications
·     Understand and prepare for the impact of AI & automation on HR practices and decision making.
Participant Pre-requisites
·     Graduate / Masters or equivalent
·     2-15 years’ work experience / Students (course content will be simplified)
·     Ability to commit to 50 Hours for duration of course – 24 contact + 16 project based (4-6 hours per week) + 10 skill building around one HR Analytics tool
·    Attendee’s organisation / association supports the tools and techniques being applied as part of the monthly course work
Duration: Spread over six contact sessions of 4 hours each
·     Contact Hours: 24 Hours
·     Project Work: 16 Hours
Key Features
·     24 Hours of live instructor-led, virtual classroom sessions with industry projects of 14 hours & skill-building around HR Analytics tools of 10 hours
·     Joint Certificate from HRAI & Acumetric Analytics
·     Comprehensive course coverage encompassing all the essential skills of Digital HR & HR Analytics in one course
·     Effective understanding and retention of the knowledge through self-assessment quizzes and assignments at the end of each module
·     Real life and practical industry use cases to reinforce hands-on understanding & experience
·     Exposure to state of the art and cutting edge HR Analytics tools & Technologies
·     Industry connect through Real life assignments & projects to apply learnings across sectors
·     Skill Building with a view towards mastering at least ONE HR Analytics TOOL – CRUX/TABLEAU/R
Evaluation / Assessment
·     Assessment scores at the end of each module (mix of theoretical and case studies)
·     Project Evaluations (Organization / Institution Feedback to be incorporated)
·     Project Presentation Delivery (quality of insight; size of opportunity identified etc.)
·     Attendance & Class Participation
Recognition & Benefits
·     Certification on successful completion of the program / course
·     Top FIVE participants in every batch to be provided with CRUX License FREE for 180 DAYS
·     Top THREE participants in every batch to be further recognized as HR ANALYTICS CHAMPION by HRAI & ACUMETRIC in HRAI Annual Awards Function.
Other Considerations
·     Our aim is to deliver a world class, highly innovative and impactful educational experience
·     The Certificate course should offer HR professionals & students analytical and data science techniques in advance of anything taught in the field to date
·     It should give attendees the ability not just to do analytics, but to engage their teams, embed the learning and drive their organisations forward as the leaders of the future
·    In future years, the alumni group should be invited back to build links with current students, establishing a community of Digital HR & HR Analytics professionals & students
·    INR 50,000 /- + GST &Taxes per Learner
Course Outline
 Digital HR & HR Analytics: Certificate Course for HR Working Professionals
Duration: 50 Hours; contact hours (24) & project work (16) & skill building (10)
Module 1. Digital HR & Transformation – 4 Hours                  
·     Role shift in HR – Overview/Challenges
·     Datafication of HR – Data & Evidence
·     Digitization, Digitalization & Digital Transformation Frameworks
·     Digital HR Eco-system & Architecture
·     Digital HR Tools & Technologies
·     Workforce Management in a digitally distributed world
·     Covid implications on People Management & Strategy
·     Digitization of HR Processes/Services & Business Transformation with Use Cases
Module 2. Introduction to HR Analytics – 6 Hours                  
·     The role & value of HR Analytics
·     HR Analytics – The Business Case
·     Questions to be Answered
·     Identifying Key Performance Indicators
·     Determining the best possible Analytics Methods
·     Getting the metadata right
·     Mapping existing HR data
·     Excel – Data manipulation & Data Visualization
·     Loading and merging HR data from multiple sources
·     Cleansing HR data
·     Defining the HR Analytics journey
·     Embedding an Analytics & data driven culture
·     Completing missing data: surveys and web-forms
·     HR Analytics – Tools & Applications
·     HR Analytics – Skills & Competencies needed to be successful
·     HR Analytics & Business Transformation with Use Cases
Module 3. Analytics in HR-Descriptive, Predictive &
Prescriptive- 8 Hours
·     Understanding Workforce Analytics & Organization Design
·     Use of Tools to understand the measures of workforce efficiency – Utilization, Span of Control, Headcount Management
·     Understanding the Staffing Pyramid
·     Understanding the Service to Profit Value Chain
·     Understanding Talent Frameworks
·     Operational Analytics – Talent, Performance, Engagement, Rewards
·     Cost Modelling – Concept of Employee Value Added
·     HR Metrics & Frameworks – Lead & Lag Indicators
·     High impact Visualizations leveraging Tableau, R Studio, CRUX – Circle plots; Box plots; Sunbursts; Scatter plots; Heat maps; Histograms; Icicle charts etc
·     Organization Network Analysis; Text Analysis; Social Listening & Voice of Employees
·     Descriptive Statistics – Time Series; Correlations; Logistic Regression
Module 4. Future of Work – 6 Hours                                         
·     Industry 4.0
·     Change Management Toolkit
·     Impact of AI, Automation, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality
·     Fostering Agility & Learnability
·     Project Presentations
Module 5. Applied Assignments & Projects – 16 Hours        
·     Module based assignments and projects
Module 6. HR Analytics Skill Building – 10 Hours                  
·     Mastery around ONE HR Analytics Tool – CRUX/TABLEAU/R
Submitted By: RAHUL GHATAK
Co-Founder & CEO – Acumetric Global Solutions
Copyright – Rahul Ghatak: Co-Founder & CEO Acumetric Global Solutions

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